Anteu by João Vladimiro
Film by João Vladimiro
(Portugal, France)

A child is born in a village. It’s the only child around. Apart from him, the village counts only six residents : his parents and four ederly people. As the years go by, the number of villagers decreases, until only the grown up child is left.
One night, a dream comes to haunt him, Who will bury him? He then decides to build device to this end...
- 2017
- Running time : 20min
- Language : Portuguese
- Director and script : João Vladimiro
- Writer of voice-over : Gonçalo M. Tavares
- Producers : João Matos - Terratreme Films, Eva Chillón - Pomme Hurlante Films
- Photography : Frederico Lobo
- New York Film Festival
- Curtas Vila do Conde International Film Festival
- Vistacurta – Festival de Curtas de Viseu
- Caminhos Film Festival, Portugal
- Luso-Brazilian Film Festival of Santa Maria da Feira
- Frames of Representation Film Festival
- Buenos Aires International Independent Film Festival
- International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR)